TechTorget is based on an idea and a realization in the legal industry that it is difficult to stay informed and updated about IT in general and about which IT solutions specifically are relevant in relation to practical and qualitative improvement of work processes in the various legal businesses.
The Norwegian Bar Association also recognized this need. In dialogue with Erik Ødegaard and Peter van Dam and others, they were positive about the proposal to arrange a TechTorg. After several annual TechTorgs in Oslo since 2019, there will now also be a collaboration with Copenhagen Legal Tech by Dorte Carlsson.
The goal is for good and proven solutions to streamline and improve lawyers’ everyday lives to reach Nordic law firms, in-house lawyers and their employees in a simple and effective way.
Erik Ødegaard, Peter van Dam and Dorte Carlsson have extensive experience from the legal industry. Erik e.g. as Adm. Dir. in Føyen Torkildsen and Peter e.g. as responsible for implementing iManage at many law firms in Norway when he was country manager for IRIS. Peter’s current position is Chief Digital Officer at Simonsen Vogt Wiig.
Dorte Carlsson is co-founder and manager of the organisation Copenhagen Legal Tech. She has a law degree, is a designer and gamemaster.
Dorte has always worked at the intersection of law and technology and the rest of the industry, because she wants to help redesign the legal industry to make it a more enjoyable place to be. Dorte has experience from roles such as CPO in a legal information company and membership manager in the Danish Bar Association.
In their various roles, both Peter and Erik have experienced that it is difficult to stay informed and up to date on which IT solutions are relevant at any given time in relation to practical and qualitative improvement of work processes in their respective businesses. Through their network of contacts with other law firms, both have also understood that this challenge “grows” in line with the size of law firms, with the opposite sign. The Norwegian Bar Association, Peter and Erik wanted to do something about this to help all law firms, but not least the small and medium-sized ones, to be able to better orient themselves in the market in relation to the suppliers’ diverse and wide range of solutions. This is how the idea of TechTorget was created.